Kevin's bio  

Name: Kevin Scott Richardson
Birthday: October 3rd, 1971
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Green
Weight: 175
Height: 6'1
Sign: Libra
Nicknames: Kev, Train, Mr Body Beautiful
Secret nicknames: Pumpkin , Boo
Born: Lexington, Kentucky
Lives: Orlando, Florida
Parents: Gerald and Anne (His dad passed away in 91' from cancer)
Siblings: Gerald and Tim
Pets: A cat named Quincy
Colour: Blue and Black
Hobbies: Lifting weights,playing football and writting music
Insturment: Piano
Food: Chili and anything his mom could put on the table
Motto: "Go For It"
Most Used Phrase: "What's Up?"
If He Could Have One Wish What Would It Be?: To see his Dad again!
Wife: Kristin

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