BSB Answering Machine Welcome Messages  


Hi this is Brian. If this is Leighanne; I was home all night I swear! If this is mom or dad; I love you both and I am not at Hooters right now. If this is Nick; Stay away from my fridge. If this is Kevin; I know I am your cousin dammit so stop leaving 50 messages a day telling me! If this is Howie; Nick's waiting for you in his room with scented candels and his floral thong *shudder * If this is AJ; I bailed you out last time. It's Kev's turn. So just leave a message and- oh yah. If this is a burglar; right now I can't come to the phone because I am too busy polishing my collection of rifals. See yah later!


[talking like robot] You have reached the answering machine of Nicholas Gene Carter. I cannot come to the phone right now because Howie is holding me as his love hosta-[ you can hear a whip] ouch. Sorry. I mean I am engulphed in a rather interesting conversation with my good friend Howie who is heterosexual I swear! I'll call you back [in backround you can hear Howie saying softly that Nick did well]


You..should..leave..a..message..after..the..beep..I'" is cut off because the message ran too long.


Hey this is AJ MacLayne. I mean McLean. Yah..that's it. *hiccup * Leave a message and dammit if it's the *sniff * powice, I mean police I was with my whore- girlfriend, Amanda the whole time. I don't know nothin to do with that pot plant found in my basement. Leave a message..[ before he hits the stop button you can hear him yell "Don't touch my hash! That costed me 75 bucks!"


[whispering] Hey this is Howie. How we doin? If this is a sweet sexy lady leave a message and I'll get back to you *wink wink * and if this is- [you can hear his father in the backround "Howie stop screwing with my damm answering machine! Go back to your cage

This was taken from BSB humor site

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