At Random  

Ok, your in line at the grocery store, and you look at the bottle of green ketchup the little kid in front of you is holding and you think "I wonder if Nick buys that stuff to gross out the rest of the guys"......This section is those thoughts all put down
*Can the guys use a sewing machine? I bet AJ sews his finger to whetever he's doing, Nick's absolutely amused that when you push the petal the needle moves, Kevin's throwing the thing out the window and Howie's getting sew-happy when he learns how. What scares me most is I see Brian knowing what he's doing.

*Coke or Pepsi?

*Who slirps their sodas?

*How long did it take form them to drang Nick away from the vocoder during 'Not for Me'? He must of been really enjoying himself.

*Who's had the most fender-benders? Probably AJ or Nick. I have this odd feelign Nick can't drive.

*Who stuck crayons up their noses and who ate play doh as a kid?

*Who would win if they went on Survivor?

*How long would Kev and Brian last on Temptation Island?

*Does Howie not know what Weakest Link is, either?

*Who does their food shopping?

*I wonder how much Nick has spent on video games, and how much of that was replacing what he broke when he lost to AJ who had never even played the damn game before and was half drunk off ihs ass already.

*Who can cook and who's had to replace half their kitchen? Bet ya Kevin's like my dad-only makes breakfast.

*How many WPM do they type? I see Nick *click*...........*click*.........*click*......."Awe screw it. Howie!"

This humor was taken from humor bsb site

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