Warnings on the door of the tour bus  

Those things newcomers need to know. Again not to be taken to offence!
Warnings: Please Read Before Entering

1. Watch where your stepping due to mess

2. When walking past the bunks, carry bat in case of bunk monster.

3. We're not reponsible if you faint, get beat up by security guards, or are taken 100 miles from your home if you sneak aboard. (this includes being eatin by the bunk monster).

4. If Howie has a winking attack or any munchkin flashback, please pour water on him imediately

5. If you get lost in Kevin's eyebrows, yell marco. Someone will answer.

6. Warning: Do not inturrupt Nick while playing nintendo. Serious injury or death may occur.

7. If AJ is on the phone, DO NOT interrupt him.

8. Beware of attack fans.

9. NEVER touch Brians basketball.

10. In case of Therapy after your visit, we will not pay. Don't sue us.

This was taken from BSB humor site

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